Thursday, April 11, 2024

On Prayer


“Prayer is the greatest virtue, the only way of being free from all sin.”

- Bowl of Saki

There are many virtues, but there is one principal virtue. Every moment passed outside the presence of God is sin, and every moment in His presence is virtue. The whole object of the Sufi, after learning this way of communicating is to arrive at a stage where every moment of our life passes in communion with God, and where our every action is done as if God were before us. Is that within everyone's reach? We are meant to be so. Just think of a person who is in love: when he eats or drinks, whatever he does, the image of the beloved is there. In the same way, when the love of God has come, it is natural to think of God in everything we do.

Prayer is a great virtue and is the only way of being free from all sin. In prayer a man reaches the Spirit of God which is all-powerful and ever-forgiving; and the power of prayer opens the doors of the heart in which God, the All-Merciful resides.

There are many different feelings which have their influence upon men, and give joy and exaltation; but there is none greater and more exalting than that of offering our faults and weaknesses before God and asking His pardon with true repentance and humility. No ethics, no philosophy, can give greater joy than this, which is sincere devotion to God; and the deepest joy is his who knows best how to humble himself before God. The proud man, ignorant of greatness of God, and of His all-sufficient power, does not know this exaltation, which raises the soul from earth to Heaven.”

-Hazrat Inayat Khan

Monday, January 1, 2024

New Year Resolutions

 Arhatic Alchemy


We are here already, 2024. Let us all make a firm resolve on this day to live by the principles of Ageless Wisdom. Let us work together towards the spirit of cooperation, harmony, compassion & goodwill.

Torkom Saraydarian once said,

“The sign of spiritual progress is to have a new life, a new beginning every morning. Every day you can improve your consciousness, relationships, relationships, goals, labor, and ways and means of doing things. You see a new meaning in every event, object, and person.”

-Torkom Saraydarian New Beginnings


Those serious aspirants who are ready to take firm responsibility for this year can find the following resolutions helpful.

“They are resolutions with which to open the new year that it may in truth bring us closer to wisdom and understanding. Therefore let us consider these resolutions as listed below:

1. Unto that Self which is within me and is the source of all, I send those greetings which the body can send unto the source of itself and pledge that this year I shall serve this spirit within myself with my heart, my mind and my hand-not to the glorification of matter but that all the world may know the reality of spirit.

2. As the spirit in man is a friend of all things, one with the spirit of all things, knowing neither foe nor friend, kith or kin, race or creed, I shall emphasize this during the coming year through that personality which is the finite manifestation of the infinite. I shall harm no living thing during this year but shall seek communion with that spirit in all living things which is the universal solvent of inharmony.

3. My relationship with my brother man this year shall be based upon my own intrinsic realization of right and not upon their attitude to me. It shall make no difference to me how I am treated, for during this year I shall only do good, express charity, live fraternity, and follow the doctrine of non-resistance. I shall neither resist evil nor accept it but shall remain in poise while others are in turmoil.

4. No word of dissatisfaction, of criticism or of destructiveness shall be launched into the world this coming year from me. I shall meet and receive all things in the spirit of charity and will accept those responsibilities which the world gives me in peace, in poise and in placidity, no matter how hard my lot nor how sad my life.

5. I shall be clean in thought, word and action; in body, mind and soul; and nothing shall defile the temple of the living God within me; either that which goeth in or that which cometh out, but both shall be acceptable in the sight of the most high.

6. My voice shall not be raised in anger nor my words be quick in tone or harsh in meaning but shall be in perfect peace unto all things, realizing the fundamental unity of all life and that diversity is nature's illusion.

7. This year I shall labor. Every day something useful must be standing when night falls to show that today has not been in vain. Someone shall smile who has not smiled before, someone shall be glad who is sad, someone shall be richer who was poor, each day that I am spared in this world of men.

8. Unto my younger brothers I also pledge in the spirit of helpfulness all that I have and am, that each year will come closer to realization of the oneness of all living things.

9. Unto those foes with whom my life has been beset, those thoughtless ones who have grieved me of ten, those friends who have been untrue, those of my own flesh and blood who have been false to me-to all these this year I send greetings that, while they may be false to me, I shall never be false to them. That one Power in the universe which is the basis of all bases and the cause of all causes-to that I renew the bond which is so easily broken by the thoughtlessness of life that I may each day be true and come closer to the ideals which I know but which the weakness of the flesh so seldom gives expression to. Brother, beast and God-all three of these in nature shall realize my realization of unity for I shall live this year to serve those who alone have the power to reward in spirit and in truth.

Let us this year take unto ourselves these resolutions, build them into that eternal part of ourselves which was before the world was and shall be when oblivion dissolves all things.”

-Manly P Hall; The All Seeing Eye Vol 2 No 3

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

The Secret Rose Garden


The Secret Rose Garden

of Sa'd Ud Din Mahmud Shabistari

by Florence Lederer


Contents    Start Reading    Page Index    Text [Zipped]

Sa'd ud Din Mahmud Shabistari was born in Persia, in Shabistar, near Tabriz, about 1250 CE. His best known work, The Secret Rose Garden was written as a reply to questions by a Sufi doctor of Herat. This set of verses uses the rich Sufi allegorical language to explore the path to God.

Title Page
Editorial Note
Part I. The Perfect Face of the Beloved
Part II. Beauty
Part III. The Sea and its Pearls
Part IV. The Journey
Part V. Time and This Dream-World
Part VI. Reflections
Part VII. Divine Inebriation
Part VIII. Reason and Free-Will
Part IX. Man: His Capabilities and His Destiny
Part X. The One
Part XI. The Self
Part XII. Idols, Girdles, and Christianity
Part XIII. Thoughts
Part XIV. The Light Manifest

Monday, April 17, 2023

The last air-bender


Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Healing Circles


Healing circles are safe havens

  • They help us step out of ordinary time into a safe and accepting environment in which we can explore our healing.
  • With open minds, we work together to discover the best ways to remove obstacles to healing, alleviate suffering, and deepen our capacity to heal.
  • With open hearts, we access our own inner guidance to understand where the greatest healing—in body, emotions, mind and spirit—can occur.

They’re built on a foundation of kindness and respect

Circle participants agree to:

  • Treat each other with kindness and respect.
  • Listen with compassion and curiosity.
  • Honor each other’s unique ways to healing and don’t presume to advise or fix or try to save each other
  • Hold all stories shared in the circle in confidence.
  • Trust that each of us has the guidance we need within us.
  • Rely on the power of silence to access that guidance.

Participants behave in nurturing ways

When they’re in circle, participants commit themselves to:

  • Listen with attention.
  • Speak with intention.
  • Tend to the well-being of the whole healing circle.

Participants play specific roles

Members of a circle have an equal voice and are responsible for the leadership of their own healing.  In circles of more than two people, there are three additional roles that help a circle flow smoothly:

  • The host convenes and pays attention to the flow of a circle.
  • The guardian keeps an eye on the time, monitors the energy of the group, and protects the agreements.
  • scribe can keep notes if the circle chooses.

Healing circles as a place of refuge

Very little matches the beauty and inspiration of a waterfall, and we’re blessed with many in the Northwest. They’ve played a huge role in Diana’s and my own healing, both metaphorically and physically, but like almost anything in life, context is everything. Things can go from awesome to awful pretty fast if you find yourself in the river instead of on the bank.

For anyone with the apparent misfortune of going over the falls, it’s good to keep in mind that at the bottom of every waterfall or cataract—regardless of how wide, how tall, or how thunderous—is an eddy, and often more than one. This is a place of refuge where the current turns back on itself, the river flows upstream, and time itself seems to stop. It’s a good place to catch a breath, get some bearings, and find perspective. Sometimes a person is automatically drawn into the eddy; sometimes it requires some navigational skill to reach; and sometimes just knowing it’s there is enough.

That’s what we think of a healing circle in general (and Healing Circles Langley in specific) as being: an eddy for those who find themselves going over the falls—whether from a cancer diagnosis, a chronic condition, the trauma of grief and loss, or some other circumstance of life. Healing Circles Langley is also an eddy above the falls, for those looking ahead with either anxiety or excitement about how life may unfold in the quixotic and mercurial ways it often does.

Eddies accumulate things: flotsam, jetsam, resources for the lucky, creative, or desperate. What arrives in an eddy has a tendency to stay in the eddy. Communities (if not entire civilizations) have risen from their shores. Healing Circles Langley is such a community. We accumulate things, too—shared experience and experiences to share; friends and neighbors with needs or gifts, and often both; circles of safety and support for those who want to get out of the current, and for those who want to get back in. Anyone is welcome in our eddy, but consider this fair warning: Those who wash into healing circles have a tendency to stay—and often get their feet wet.

Kelly Lindsay is a co-founder and co-director of Healing Circles Langley. He is the author of Something More Than Everything: The Story of What Went Right When Life Went Wrong.

Header photo courtesy of Harmony Hill

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Awakening Air Meditation Flight Safety Video

Board Awakening Air flight JG-000 bound for Freedom, Stillness and Peace. Please follow the instructions to make your meditative journey as smooth and enjoyable, as possible.  

This video clip sums up the main meditation instructions, as taught by Ajahn Brahm, in a light-hearted and fun way. It is wrapped up in the usual flight safety instructions you see on a commercial plane, but with a twist to make it relevant for your meditation practice and your attitude towards it. 

This video was produced for the Relax & Grow WE-Retreat 2020 at Jhana Grove in Serpentine.

Friday, June 17, 2022

Realize your deepest desires

By Gloria

You have a million dreams and desires and don’t know where to start?

You feel stuck in your current situation and don’t know how to get unstuck?

You have relationship problems, health problems, financial problems, self-worth issues etc. and you just don’t know how to go about it all?

Don’t worry, I have got some good news for you!

You just have one problem: You don’t understand life!

Spirit – Matter – Consciousness

Matter is the vehicle for the manifestation of the Soul.

The reason why we HAVE bodies even though we ARE not our bodies is because without body (=matter aspect) the Soul (=consciousness aspect) cannot manifest and express itself.

Think of the Soul as a nucleus of pure consciousness around which countless atoms – with the fire of Spirit (=life aspect) at their core – accumulate and circulate, forming what we commonly call body, circumstances and environment.

Your body, your circumstances, your environment are a direct expression of your inner dominant thought life, they are your deepest inner desires and fears pushed outward, in short: your outer life is an exact outpicturing or expression of your inner life and consciousness.

We cannot move within and stand still without.

We look at the world around us as being factual, not understanding that these facts are simply effects of a deeper inner cause, not understanding that the cause is the movement of our consciousness. As the Soul moves, the atoms circulating around the nucleus of our Soul rearrange themselves in now-time.

Therefore: We cannot move within and stand still without.

Problem: We have made matter the positive controlling factor in life

Solution: Make Soul the positive controlling factor in life

Going through life unaware of the reality and power of our Soul, we go through life being identified with matter, forming our identity around our bodies, our titles, our circumstances, forming our identity around the outer world rather than the inner reality.

Being identified with matter rather than with our Soul, we have made matter the positive (=active/controlling) factor in life and Soul the negative (=passive/serving) one.

As a consequence we go through life passively, allowing the world around us to induce active vibrations in our bodies, to place thoughts in our minds and desires in our hearts.

In other words: The outer world determines our inner life.

The outer voice has drowned the inner voice.

Yet, our inner voice constantly speaks to us in the form of deep, inner desire.

You must honor your deepest inner desires

Your desires for a more fulfilling, joyful and abundant life are literally the desires of the Divine within you seeking to express themselves, in this way pushing you upwards on the ladder of evolution, upwards in frequency.

The word heaven comes from the Old English heofon meaning home of God. Heaven is just another word for high frequency.

Our deep inner desire to upgrade our life – our relationships, our health, our finances, you name it – is the Divine within us pushing us on from the inside out to align our frequency with the frequency of heaven.

Therefore it is essential for your inner peace and wellbeing that you honor your deepest, loftiest desires! To disown your deepest desires is to disown your Inner Voice which is your inner compass.

The desire to do implies the ability to do

Your desires are real, tangible energies.

A (somewhat superficial) scientific definition of energy is the ability to do work.

That is why it has been said that it is a Spiritual law in nature that the desire to do implies the ability to do. In other words, whatever it is you truly desire to be, to have, to do, the very desire is a guarantee that you can be, have and do whatever it is you truly desire!

Yet to fulfill your deepest desires and turn all your problems (=markers for unevolved potential) into activated potential, you need to reverse the process:

You need to identify with the Soul, thereby making the Soul the positive (=controlling) factor in life and realize matter to be the negative (=serving) factor in life.

This is the way to realize your deepest inner desires.

The way to change your circumstances is to change your level of consciousness

No matter how complicated or hopeless your current situation may look like, you can turn it around in record time by recognizing that YOU are the center of your universe and by realizing that the visible world around you is nothing but the temporary (!) arrangement of the building blocks of matter around the nucleus of your Soul, outpicturing your current level of consciousness.

The way to change your circumstances it to change your level of consciousness.

Sunday, March 6, 2022

SPIRITUAL WISDOM: Recognizing the Sacred in Our World

By Christopher Chase



“Wherever you turn, there is the face of God.”  ~The Quran

Every religion, at its core, is based on the idea that our world is a magical and mystical place, that each of us is on a spiritual journey, that all life is sacred, and that our entire Universe is a mystical creation.

Modern science, while often professing skepticism, is now coming around to provide further support for these ancient teachings. At the atomic level, each of us is composed of nothing but energy, timeless swirling patterns of light. Every atom in your body is billions of years old, clustering in molecules and cells held together by solar energy pouring down from the heavens.

Our very consciousness rides upon this energy, the fields of solar light pulsing within every living being. The very meaning of ‘spirit’ comes originally from the idea of an animating principle within living creatures. We now know that this life force truly exists, its local physical source the sun, its original source, a metaphysical mystery.

It’s usually hard for us to think this way. We are so caught up in our social and cultural identities, in our shared perceptions, desires and fears, that it’s difficult for us to see ourselves and others as primarily cosmic and spiritual beings. And yet, for centuries, that is what many of the world’s greatest prophets, sages, poets, writers, artists and visionaries have been trying to help us to do.

Here below is a summary of some of the “perennial” wisdom common to most of the world’s mystical schools and spiritual traditions. Mystical teachings are at the core of all the great religions. They provide an alternative to hate and fear, to our illusions of separateness, reminding us instead of the beauty, interdependence and sacredness of all life.


~*Core Ideas of the World’s Spiritual Traditions*~

UNITY, CARING AND CONNECTEDNESS~ The concept of universal brotherhood and sisterhood, unity and compassion. We are all related to one another, learning how to love and respect each other here on this planet, and work together harmoniously. Human life is like a school, where we are given the opportunity to practice forgiveness, charity, cooperation and compassion in this world.

“The kingdom of heaven is inside you and it is outside you. God’s kingdom is spread out upon the earth, and people do not see it.”         ~The Gospel of Thomas

DIVINITY IN THE WORLD~ The concept of divine purpose, guidance and grace. This is based on faith in an unseen mystery and spiritual wisdom in the universe. There is a spiritual presence that resides within us, and surrounds us, that can guide us when we believe in it, pray to it and learn to listen to it’s subtle messages to us. Not only that, but since this divine power resides in all beings, it often speaks to us from the mouths of others, and through events in our world.

“God is not some person outside ourselves or away from the Universe. He pervades everything… He abides in our hearts and is nearer to us than the nails on our fingers.” ~Mahatma Gandhi

THE UNIVERSAL SELF~ A central idea of mysticism is that there is only One Spiritual Being at the core of everything. This Universal Self is our fundamental identity. We are all ideas in the imagination of God, fingers on the hands of the Universe, or leaves on the Universal Tree of Life. At the center of each person is this same Divine Self.

“When we see God in each other we will be able to live in peace.” ~Mother Teresa

THE SOUL~ This universal spiritual Self is what most religious traditions call the soul. We are not the social roles society tells us we are. Our fundamental identity resides in our sacred and eternal core, whose origins lie in the spiritual realm and who’s experiences and feelings here on this earth are providing the most important learning experiences of our lives.

“The only true joy on earth is to escape from the prison of our own false self, and enter by love into union with the Life who dwells and sings within the essence of every creature and in the core of our own souls.” ~Thomas Merton

SPIRITUAL GROWTH~ As conscious souls we are constantly learning and growing, becoming more and more aware of our spiritual potential and our sacred relationship to everything else in the Universe. Life is a spiritual journey, where we learn to let go of our limited human ideas and beliefs, putting our faith in the wisdom of the mysterious creative power that gave birth to our Universe, and dances in our lives.

“Growth comes with an increasing awareness of and respect for Great Mystery in all people and things, with an awareness that this force of mystery is at work in all events. Growth comes through tolerance for the infinite variety of ways in which Great Spirit, the Infinite,may express itself in this Universe.” ~Ed McGaa (American Indian)

RECOGNIZING THE PURPOSE OF SACRIFICE AND PAIN~The journey of souls in this world is not easy. As long as we are motivated by anger, desire, pride or fear we will be challenged by life, and find ourselves experiencing struggles, anger, loss and pain. This is part of growth, a necessary condition for our spiritual development and learning. Fortunately, all pain and sacrifice are temporary.

“Pride comes before ruin, Arrogance before failure.” ~Jewish Proverb

“As I walked out the door toward the gate that would lead to my freedom, I knew if I didn’t leave my bitterness and hatred behind, I’d still be in prison.”  ~Nelson Mandela

ETERNAL SAFETY~ Since we are divine eternal beings there is nothing for us to fear, not even death. Everything that happens to us is a learning experience and even the most terrible things can be transformed into expressions of divine grace. Death is a natural part of this experience, and should not be feared.

“Know the Atman [Spirit], Unborn, undying, Never ceasing, Never beginning, Deathless, birthless, Unchanging forever, How can it die the death of the body?” ~Bhagavad Gita


ALL LIFE IS SACRED~ While we may be eternal beings, to harm or kill another from malice, anger or indifference is to ignore their sacred nature and intrinsic value as sentient living creatures. Even when animals are killed we have the responsibility to do so compassionately and consciously, with respect for their lives and gratitude for their sacrifice. For the spirit that gave birth to us all lives in each and every one of us, each and every creation. All of us, no matter how foolish, insignificant or evil we may seem, are cosmic works of art, molded and inhabited by the divine light of God.

“You have heard that it was said, “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.” But I say to you, if anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other also… Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you so that you may be children of your Father in heaven.”       ~Jesus

THE FUTILITY OF HATE~ Since we are all brothers and sisters to one another, all our hate, anger and fear are futile. Hate is based on the feeling that someone is trying to hurt you. But we are divine beings, who can never really be hurt in the end. Therefore, those we struggle with are actually teachers for us. They are challenging us to let go of our fears and illusions and open to love.

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” ~Martin Luther King, Jr.

“Hatred ever kills, love never dies. Such is the vast difference between the two… The duty of a human being is to diminish hatred and to promote love.”    ~Mahatma Gandhi

THE REALITY OF LOVE~ Love is the way Spirit touches us, as souls here in this world. Love is the underlying reality and essence of the Universe. It is the force that holds all things together. Love is always there, although we may not always feel it or see it. Love takes care of everyone, forsakes no one. This is the great teaching common to all saints, prophets and spiritual traditions. We are all children of God, children of Love. No one should be ignored or pushed away.

“Love courses through everything. No, love is everything. How can you say, there is no love, when nothing but love exists? All that you see has appeared because of love. All shines from love, All pulses from love, All flows from love– No, once again, All is love!”         ~Fakhruddin ‘Iraqi

SHARING AND SERVICE~ Out of our understanding of the reality of love comes the motivation to commit ourselves to be of service to others. Selfishness arises out of a belief in the scarcity of resources, so that each is compelled to grab whatever one can to insure one’s survival. Cooperation, compassion and service are the actions that arise when we feel no lack, for they have the potential to fill our hearts with peace, gratitude and love.

“What actions are most excellent? To gladden the heart of a human being, to feed the hungry, to help the afflicted, to lighten the sorrow of the sorrowful, and to remove the wrongs of the injured.”   ~Mohammed

candle darkness

THE RECONCILIATION OF GOOD AND EVIL~ The idea that some people are all good and others are all bad is one of the illusions spun by fear-based human reasoning. It is the central idea that gives birth to all wars and violence between people. From the perspective of higher consciousness everything and everybody in the Universe is a part of God. All good things have some “bad” within them, and all bad things have some “good.” To recognize the negative qualities of ourselves and the goodness within our enemies allows us to understand how we are all similar to one another.

“In this world, hate never dispelled hate. Only love dispels hate. This is the law, ancient and inexhaustible.”  ~The Buddha

THE DANGER OF PASSING JUDGMENTS~ Related to this idea of good and evil is the human tendency to judge people, to call some things right and others wrong. While it is essential to make judgments about human behavior, this process of judging people frequently puts others out of our hearts, and since everyone is a part of God, it separates us from a part of our spiritual selves. We then start to create mental judgments, expectations and opinions of others (and ourselves) in our minds that are illusions, that do not recognize each soul’s fundamental spiritual wholeness, innocence, interconnectedness, beauty and potential.

Jesus said, “… If one is [whole], one will be filled with light, but if one is divided, one will be filled with darkness.” ~The Gospel of Thomas

THE IMPORTANCE OF ATONEMENT~ As individuals and as nations, human beings often do things that hurt others, that cause death, suffering or pain. The great spiritual traditions all emphasis the need for atonement, for recognizing how we have hurt others and taking action to change our ways. Guilt plays a role in helping us to recognize the negative effects of our behavior. Healing occurs as we take responsibility for our “sins” and seek reconciliation with those whom have hurt us, and whom we have harmed. Cycles of pain are ended as we forgive others and recognize our own mistakes.

“Not to mend one’s ways when one has erred is to err indeed.” ~Confucius


DESIRE AND FEAR ARE THE ROOTS OF SUFFERING~ Our human pride, negative emotions and desires are like hooks that keep us trapped in the webs of material reality. The world’s great spiritual paths provide techniques for transcending our desires, releasing anger and conquering our fears. Until we are able to do so, we can never be truly free.

“There is no fire like greed, no crime like hatred, no sorrow like separation, no sickness like hunger of the heart, and no joy like the joy of freedom. Health, contentment and trust are your greatest possessions, and freedom your greatest joy. Look within, be still. Free from fear and attachment, know the sweet joy of living in the way.”     ~The Buddha

THE HEALING POWER OF FAITH AND PRAYER~ There is a healing power that faith and prayer seem to have. Whether it works through unseen spiritual forces, an attitude shift or a boost to the immune system we are becoming aware that what we think, hope and believe has the power to influence the way surrounding events unfold in our lives, and how stress and fear impact upon our bodies and minds. Spiritual faith cultivates a serenity and joy that transforms our hearts, peacefully impacting on the varied spheres of our lives.

“Do not look for rest in any pleasure, because you were not created for pleasure, you were created for JOY. And if you do not know the difference between pleasure and spiritual joy, you have not yet begun to live.”    ~Thomas Merton

THE CULTIVATION OF MORAL ETHICS, SELF-DISCIPLINE AND INTEGRITY~ As spiritual beings there are certain codes of behavior and self discipline that help to keep harmony on the earth and in our relations with one another. In order to live in peace we must learn to treat other people with respect and caring, to be truthful and honest, reliable and self-disciplined. We take responsibility for our actions, forgive ourselves (and others) for our mistakes, and seek to develop our selves (both morally and spiritually) as we learn.

“To master ourselves is to arrive home- at the Center of Being- the Universal Mandala. What we seek we already are.” ~Lama Surya Das

THE CONTINUOUS NATURE OF CREATIVITY~ The Universe is a creative event, always changing and in progress. Chaos comes out of order, and order out of chaos. Nothing every stays the same because everything keeps growing and developing further. Violence and death are a part of this endless creative dance, the Unbroken Chain of Being. This is the way God or Spirit expresses itself in our Universe. The world was not created in seven days, it is continuously being recreated every day, and as children of God we have the opportunity to celebrate and participate in that creative process.

“An epiphany enables you to sense creation not as something completed, but as constantly becoming, evolving, ascending. This transports you from a place where there is nothing new to a place where there is nothing old, where everything renews itself, where heaven and earth rejoice as at the moment of creation.”   ~Abraham Isaac Kook (Jewish Mystic)

THE PRESENT MOMENT IS SACRED AND ETERNAL~ While most of our human experiences are focused on limited tasks, the past or the future, on problems or expectations, the present moment is where Spirit dances and touches our lives. This is why the Sabbath is considered holy, and so much emphasis is placed in most traditions on seeking God in our present lives and surroundings. The past and future do not exist, actually. We live only in the present moment, the Universal “Now.” Time is in some sense an illusion, the way we perceive the ever-changing physical expressions of Eternity, the movement, evolution and unfoldment of the Sacred in our world.

“As a child, I understood how to give. I have forgotten that grace since I became civilized. I lived the natural life, whereas I now live the artificial. Any pretty pebble was valuable to me then, every growing tree an object of reverence.”  ~Ohiyesa (American Indian)


THE PREVALENCE OF BEAUTY~ Although violence and chaos exists, our Universe is fundamentally an extremely well organized and harmonious place, especially when creative forces are in balance with one another. Human recognition of this dynamic and continuously changing harmony is experienced as a recognition of beauty. When one looks at the world from the perspective of the Divine Soul one is overwhelmed by the intense beauty of everyone and all things. Our greatest musicians, artists and poets have captured something of this dynamic harmony that surrounds us at all moments, the spiritual and mystical beauty present in cloud patterns, in children’s smiling faces, flowers, animals, friends and what we commonly call “reality.”

“The beauty which the knower knows and the lover appreciates, the mystic worships. His God is Reality. To every question that arises in the heart of the mystic, he finds the answer in the life before him.”     ~Hazarat Inayat Khan (Sufi mystic)

SPIRITUAL REALIZATION AND WORLD PEACE ARE IMMINENT~ If the great masters and teachers of humanity are right, that life is a spiritual journey being undertaken by spiritual beings, then peace and harmony on our planet is our unavoidable destiny. We can fight and fear all we like, but sooner or later humans are all going to wake up to remember who we really are at our core, all of us. Our destination is unavoidable because of who we really are. Eventually, a world of peace will be created by each of us, one at a time, in a wave of love and caring that will encircle the entire planet. It happens in our lives as soon as we release ourselves from anger and fear, and cultivate love in our world. It is in fact, already happening.

Golden Ratio Mona

“True love is boundless like the ocean and, swelling within one, spreads itself out and, crossing all boundaries and frontiers, envelops the whole world.”    ~Mahatma Gandhi

“The day will come when, after harnessing space, the winds, the tides and gravitation, we shall harness for God the energies of love. And on that day, for the second time in the history of the world, we shall have discovered fire.”     ~Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

“Imagine all the people living life in peace. You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only oneI hope someday you’ll join us, and the world will be as One.”    ~John Lennon

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as if everything is.”  ~Albert Einstein

“Every blade of grass has its angel that bends over it and whispers, ‘Grow, grow.’ ”     ~The Talmud

“See simplicity in the complicated, seek greatness in small things. In the Universe, the difficult things are done ss if they were easy.”    ~Lao Tsu

“To love another person is to see the face of God.” ~Victor Hugo


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May peace prevail,
Christopher Chase